Research articles

ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 865-869 |doi: 10.2307/ scienceasia865-869.2022.SA2152

Morphofunctional features of the kidney exposed to various factors

Jur'at J. Bakhromova*

ABSTRACT:     The kidney refers to organs with an intense functional load throughout a person’s life and is a complex organ that functions to filter waste from the blood through the production of urine, which occupies an increasingly important place in modern research. The kidneys also perform various other vital functions, including supporting homeostasis, regulating blood pressure, osmotic pressure and acid-base balance. Reviews of their results are certainly important for the development of ideas about the kidney and its significance for science. It is proved that in the kidneys of adults and fetuses during implementation, when exposed to various factors at the level of tissues, interstitial relationships, nephron divisions and between different types of nephrons (subcapsular and juxtamedullary), morphological changes are formed that characterize "urgent adaptation". For the first time, from the standpoint of the doctrine of the impact of various factors, a characterization of changes in the kidneys under specific pathological processes and in conditions of increased functional loads is given, morphological criteria for classifying structural manifestations of nephron responses to successive phases of adaptation are proposed. But deciphering the relationship of the kidney with biostimulants is much more promising for research when searching for the elimination of the above factors.

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a Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology Bukhara State Medical Institute of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 200118

* Corresponding author, E-mail:

Received 30 May 2022, Accepted 22 Sep 2022