Research articles

ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 819-826  |doi: 10.2307/ scienceasia819-826.2022.SA2164

Optimization of the diagnosis of lichen planus

Shahzoda Isоkovna Samadovaa*

ABSTRACT:     Lichen planus (LP) is one of the most common and clinically manifest mucocutaneous dermatoses. According to different authors, the population frequency of LP (0.4-1.9%) varies in different regions of the world and is shared with other dermatoses. An important obstacle to the study of the epidemiology of LP is significant differences not only in the frequency of patients visiting dentists and dermatologists but also in the assessment of the frequency of combined lesions of the oral mucosa and skin by both dentists and dermatologists. The object of the study were 62 patients with an erosive and ulcerative form of lichen planus of the oral mucosa (EUF LP ORM), who applied to the department of therapeutic dentistry of the clinic of the Tashkent State Dental Institute for the period from 2018. by 2019, which are divided into three groups, patients of the comparison group and patients of the main group, 18 people without pathology of the oral mucosa served as controls. Clinical data were entered into the study card, with the included program scheme recommended by WHO in the modification of O.S. Gileva et al. in 2008 In accordance with this scheme, the most common localizations of the lesion focus by elements of the LP of the oral mucosa were identified. Thus, the analysis of microbiological parameters in the main group of persons of the EUF LP ORM after complex treatment with the inclusion of ozonated sesame oil without preliminary antiseptic treatment differs sharply in the absence of the habituation effect of microorganisms. As a result, the results of ozone therapy were assessed in such a way that normocenosis was noted in 17 persons (53.12%), a dysbiotic shift was observed in 15 (46.87%), and the absence of dysbacteriosis of I-II, III, and IV degrees was noted in patients of the main group, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of ozone in the complex treatment of EUF LP ORM.

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a Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

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Received 28 May 2022, Accepted 07 Sep 2022