Research articles

ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 807-811 |doi: 10.2307/ scienceasia807-811.2022.SA2161

Individual approach to the development of diagnostic methods Dental diseases in women with osteoporosis in the menopausal

Nozima Nodirovna Kazakovaa*

ABSTRACT:     The problem of menopausal disorders in women is relevant in all countries of the world. Menopause is a physiological process in every woman’s life, manifested by general involutional processes in the body, against the background of estrogen deficiency. The average age of menopause around the world ranges from 49 to 51 years, while there is a tendency to expand the age range of the physiological period. Examination of patients was carried out according to a single scheme, for each patient a dental outpatient card (043-U) was filled out, and an individual chart of examination of a dental patient was developed by us, where the results of dental, clinical, and laboratory studies were noted. Questioning of respondents is necessary for early identification of manifestations of the menopausal period in the oral cavity. In our study, the most common and main complaints among perimenopausal women were bleeding gums (I - 62%, II - 41%, III - 15%, IV - 68%;), dry mouth (I - 32%, II - 23%, III - 7%, IV - 49%;) and bad breath (I - 71%, II - 55%, III - 9%, IV - 77%;), which women complained about 2-3 times more often, did not suffer from osteoporosis. Postmenopausal women were 3 times more likely to have a white coating on the tongue (17.1%, 14.3%, respectively) than women in the control group (5.7%). Burning sensation in the oral cavity was noted by 5.7% of women in group II and 2.9% in group III. When comparing all groups among themselves, it was found that the dental and periodontal status is worse in women with osteoporosis during the perimenopausal and menopausal periods, in contrast to women without bone changes. It was found that women in groups 2 and 3 had less discomfort in the oral cavity compared to women with osteoporosis.

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a Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

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Received 26 May 2022, Accepted 06 Sep 2022