Research articles

ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 759-763 |doi: 10.2307/ scienceasia759-763.2022.SA2003

Prognostic value of laboratory parameters of acute phase proteins in the diagnosis of destructive forms of acute pancreatitis

Sunnatulla Satorovich Safarova*, Andier Adizovich Ganieva

ABSTRACT:     The severity of clinical and laboratory manifestations of acute pancreatitis is directly proportional to the degree of morphological changes in the pancreatic parenchyma, where the most pronounced course is observed during the destructive process. To solve the issue of surgical intervention, all patients with acute pancreatitis need to conduct a laboratory study, where the most informative method of early diagnosis of the onset of development and a marker of purulent destruction in the pancreatic parenchyma is high levels of procalcitonin and lactoferrin in the blood serum.

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a Regional medical association of Bukhara, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara,Uzbekistan

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Received 27 Apr 2022, Accepted 30 Aug 2022