Research articles

ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 645-651 |doi: 10.2306/ scienceasia645-651.2022.SA1911

Laboratory and instrumental analysis of indicators in chronic tonsillitis combined with hyperkinetic ticks

Z.D. Egamberdievaa*, F.B. Nurmukhamedovaa, S.M. Norovaa, D.B. Abdumalikovaa, D.G. Kosimovaa, P.V. Sattorovaa

ABSTRACT:     Chronic tonsillitis occupies one of the first places among ENT diseases. Despite the achievements of modern medicine, the proportion of chronic tonsillitis does not decrease. The problem in otorhinolaryngology remains the initial contamination of ENT organs with conditionally pathogenic microflora. In the absolute majority (94.4%) of patients with CT, the microflora of the palatine tonsils is represented by microbial associations, which include Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, as well as hemolytic streptococci of groups B, C, G, and F. Ticks are the most common pathology in childhood, although their prevalence in the general population, according to various data, ranges from 3 to 21%. At the same time, it is known that some patients do not go to the doctor because of the insignificant severity of ticks. Among school- age children, ticks are observed in 11–20%, and the prevalence of Tourette's syndrome is 5-7 cases per 10,000 children. The study aimed to conduct a comparative laboratory and instrumental characterization of patients with chronic tonsillitis with and without hyperkinetic ticks. We examined 64 children aged 7 to 18 years with chronic tonsillitis from 2020 to 2022 in inpatient conditions at the clinical base of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. All the examined children were admitted to the hospital with chronic tonsillitis, a toxic-allergic form. Of these, 40 (62.5%) were diagnosed with grade 1 TAF, and 24 (37.5%) had grade 2. When divided into the examined groups, it was found that, in patients of the main and comparative groups, the frequency of toxic-allergic form 1 and toxic-allergic form 2 did not significantly differ. In chronic tonsillitis with ticks, along with the presence of beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A, against the background of normative indicators of leukocytes, ESR, CRP, and RF, an increased level of ASL-O is detected. Chronic tonsillitis with ticks is characterized by the absence of organic lesions in brain structures. However, the presence of changes in the form of convulsive readiness is recorded. The seeding of B-hemolytic streptococcus was the same for both study groups, which means that the toxins of hemolysin, streptolysin, and hyaluronidase have the character of internal intoxication, but their effect on internal organs is individual.

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a Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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Received 20 Apr 2022, Accepted 08 Aug 2022